Installment Eight
Sultry Sex Squad
Superheroes are known for their weapons. Heat rays. Cold rays. Lukewarm rays. Punching really hard. But one of the most potent — and most overlooked — weapons wielded by a hero is pure, unadulterated sexiness. Indeed, The Superest had its fair share of supers and and scoundrels whose stock and trade was Super Eroticism. Brave heroines who could melt the heart of even the coldest mammal. Vile Villainesses whose allure could only be measured by how much penicillin was needed after the fight. Seductive monstrosities of such power, such cunning, they are responsible for more frat boy deaths than Penn State University.
We present to those of you over 18 (or those of you under 18 but accompanied by a parent or guardian) the Sultry Sex Squad! But before you visit any of this pages, we suggest you bring protection. Or, if you don't have the guts to even view one of this abominable adulterers, we can recommend you sign up for these guys.