Mr. Jellyhead

Mr. Jellyhead

Can absorb any impact.

A perfect cube of apricot preserves.

Mr. Jellyhead held the coveted title of Current Champ from Monday, October 29, 2007 to Tuesday, October 30, 2007, heartily vanquishing The Asteroid to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Von Brownbag Children.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Ever see a jello cube without a mustache who was worth a damn?

    Zach | [ a ]
  2. Frankly, I've never seen anything without a mustache that was worth a damn, Zach.

    sutter | [ a ]
  3. This has got to be one of my favorites so far.

    Jon | [ a ]
  4. Big fan of Apricot preserves, eh?

    bearskinrug | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Dashing Delver

Dashing Delver

Digs holes at superhuman speed! Leatherback will be slowly and steadily wondering why it suddenly got all dark.