Killer Kitty Calendar

Killer Kitty Calendar

Lies in wait on The Secretary's movable wall.

The days and months will pass very slowly as you're being digested between the pages of Muffles the Lovable Tabby and Mow Mow the Frisky Siamese.

Killer Kitty Calendar held the coveted title of Current Champ from Thursday, November 15, 2007 to Friday, November 16, 2007, heartily vanquishing Shelly the Efficient Secretary to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Baby New Year.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. HAHAHAHAH - NICE Sutter :D

    Bearskinrug | [ a ]
  2. I seriously don't know how you come up with all these amazing creations. I think, actually, I know this is love...

    Eric | [ a ]
  3. Muahaha, this may be one of my new favorites.

    I especially like the "Hang in there" kitty. :}D

    JohnG | [ a ]
  4. Home run.

    Ian | [ a ]
  5. I can has secretary?

    testMOnkey | [ a ]
  6. That kitty is too perfect. Demented and absolutely brilliant.

    Jon | [ a ]
  7. What beats this? The Overzealous Calendar Marker?

    Eric | [ a ]
  8. Vanquished by:
    The Micro Manager
    Makes sure those cubicles maintain the status quo.

    (hint, he's a tiny boss man in a suit)

    Zach | [ a ]
  9. I was kind of wondering if "The Serenity Prayer" was going to convince her to give up her evil ways... or I half expected "Japan" .. "Keeping the OL in her place." followed shortly by the (somewhat unexpected) "Paul Tibbets."

    I suppose The Superest isn't as inappropriate as my imagination.

    I think you guys need a writer in addition to your artists.

    John Laur | [ a ]
  10. I would suggest a version of a paper shredder to defeat this one, especially since it's nearing the end of the year and the old kitty calendar has to be replaced by next year's "adorable labrador puppies"

    Kath | [ a ]
  11. I use to work for a calendar company in Dayton, OH. This is perfect! I felt this way a lot near the end of my career there.

    Eric H. | [ a ]
  12. amazing! this is one who kill my secretary!!

    Sergio | [ a ]
  13. bahahaha!! this is awesome!

    martha | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

The Dog Pounder

The Dog Pounder

Pounds dogs flat! Lucky for Lassy, she's got nine lives. Oh wait. That's cats.