Kid Zombie

Kid Zombie

The attention span of a kid. The bitey-ness of a zombie.

Dr. Empathy will have a hard time bending a mind that has been eaten out of it's skull.

Kid Zombie held the coveted title of Current Champ from Wednesday, November 21, 2007 to Thursday, November 22, 2007, heartily vanquishing Dr. Empathy to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Nanny Sod-Off.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Im guessing this is baby new year, back with a vengance :)

    Jon | [ a ]
  2. Amazing... I love this one.

    kevin nocoins | [ a ]
  3. id love to see kid zombie 'bite' and 'zombify' otherwise stodgy websites and publications.

    the world could always use a good dose of healthy zombification.

    ishbudesign | [ a ]
  4. Prescribe Ritalin that removes the head or destroys the brain.

    M. M.  | [ a ]
  5. I am expecting to see a truck, fire truck, or tractor next. The worse kid in the world will play with a truck for hours.

    Moose | [ a ]
  6. Ooh, I wonder if the next one coming is Bruce Campbell with his mighty chin (and boomstick of course).

    Sam | [ a ]
  7. Ah, memories.

    Rob Weychert | [ a ]
  8. oh, the hilarity!!! this has been the absolute highlight of my morning... thankyou for sharing!! your work is awesome! *^_^*

    Haline Ly | [ a ]
  9. Trust me, I hate that I'm that guy, buy I'm he. Ahem. It's "its."

    grey | [ a ]
  10. "The bitey-ness of a zombie"

    I'm going to use the phrase to describe wine. "Ah, it has a peppery, oak taste . . . musky flavor . . . with the bitey-ness of a zombie."

    Real Life Pixel | [ a ]
  11. @ Grey- It's "but," not "buy." If you're going to go out of your way to correct others, you should spell check.

    Meg | [ a ]
  12. Oh, this one has to become a t-shirt.

    sween | [ a ]
  13. Hilarious. A home run. I wonder what the real zombie kid is up to right now...

    Justin | [ a ]
  14. This is at least half the student body of my college....wonder where the other half is.

    Nickers | [ a ]
  15. GREY: You clearly don't hate being that guy that much, do you?

    sutter | [ a ]
  16. GREY: I understand, I'm that guy too, it's a hard life for us, constantly correcting grammar and spelling errors... come to think of it, that would make a good Superest character. Grammar Guy, with the power of a English Major! Too bad he'll be too easily defeated by either (A) The South or (B) No one caring about correct grammar anymore... sigh...

    Sam | [ a ]
  17. Another potential opponent for the Kid Zombie: Mother Superior- A representative of the church, she has the ability to turn the undead, and to discipline children.

    Vercalos | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

Destroys hourglass figures. Time will probably move a lot faster as Hourglass turns into more of a Cylinder or Spheroid of Hate.