Bored Office BersWerker

Bored Office BersWerker

"I drink ten cups a day. Your tea is no match for me!!!"

Makes light work of Teavil and his crumbly biscuit chums (more...).

Bored Office BersWerker held the coveted title of Current Champ from Friday, November 23, 2007 to Monday, November 26, 2007, heartily vanquishing Teavil to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Xplode.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Guest Illustrator Jon Burgerman.


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Jon actually wrote a much longer Additional Note that I had to slim down, but here it is in its entirety:

    After gulping down nine cups of super strength 'grandma' tea, made in the kitchenette whilst sneakily checking out the new photocopier girl from the side window, the bored Office BersWerker made light work of Teavil and his crumbly biscuit chums. In fact he felt the brew wasn't even strong enough to keep him awake during his post-lunch, carbohydrate fueled lull.
    Bearskinrug | [ a ]
  2. I'm pretty sure I know that guy...

    Kevin L | [ a ]
  3. next one could be... OFFICE COPY MACHINE OF FRUSTRATION

    gringo | [ a ]
  4. So, how do you become a guest?

    Alexander | [ a ]
  5. Awesome contribution. I'm suprised he went for a more human chacter instead of a animal/monster. This site lends itself to monster creation. Now I want to see a Superest print in the style of his character collages!

    TheJones | [ a ]
  6. Jon: This is really sexy. I love your style. Heading to your site to look for tshirts!

    iancorey | [ a ]
  7. Jon, I'm concerned that this drawing is in some way inspired by us Erskine boys and our quite ridiculous office-based tea consumption - which you are glorifying. For the record folks, Jon is just as bad, but he makes good Grandma tea...

    Colly | [ a ]
  8. The Copier Machine: Revamped: "Too... many... buttons..."

    Deadpool | [ a ]
  9. To be vanquished by: Fred, from shipping. He always drinks the last of the coffee and doesn't put another pot on.

    Vercalos | [ a ]
  10. Then what would vanquish Fred? A round of layoffs?

    Deadpool | [ a ]
  11. Then what would vanquish Fred? A round of layoffs?

    Deadpool | [ a ]
  12. Corporate outsourcing?

    Vercalos | [ a ]
  13. Love the single line eyes/nose by the way, Jon.

    sutter | [ a ]

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