

Hurls debris at his enemies while perched atop his Ladder of Doom.

I'm not even sure a normal super hero could climb that ladder, much less one with sweaty hands...

Ladderus held the coveted title of Current Champ from Tuesday, November 27, 2007 to Tuesday, November 27, 2007, heartily vanquishing Sweaty Palmer to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Human Feather.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Only to be defeated by Broken Gutter!

    Eric | [ a ]
  2. Can be defeated by a Wood warm or a termite... good one... can't anybody knock him down?

    redgirl | [ a ]
  3. what about captain saws-all?

    ishbudesign | [ a ]
  4. But what it's an aluminum ladder? They used to be VERY popular before fiberglass!

    Bearskinrug | [ a ]
  5. This drawing makes me so, so nervous.

    Garrett | [ a ]
  6. Saws ALL, Kevin. Not saws-some.

    sutter | [ a ]
  7. The "ANGRY BEAVER" will definitely triumph over this guy.

    The Angry Beaver is angry because of everyone tearing up HIS trees to be used for other purposes (such as a ladder) so he spans the world ready to shred any and everything he finds made of wood.

    Shane | [ a ]
  8. Pushy McJones. Enjoys pushing ladders over.

    Jon | [ a ]
  9. Oh man I hope the next guy is a blind fellow who keeps running into everything...

    Quality show, guys.

    Bradley | [ a ]
  10. I'm voting for something having to do with a trampoline of terror.

    Kevin, it's impossible for me to read the word aluminum without hearing the English al-you-min-iyoom. For some reason, when I hear it like that in my head, it's extra funny.

    jeremy | [ a ]
  11. Defeated by Shoddy Craftsman. His super power is superior inferiority.

    Meg | [ a ]
  12. I feel that he could be defeated by Random City Pigeon, fearless of heights and people. While Ladderus is raising debris over his head, the pigeon would land, throwing of his balance completely sending him to his doom. Ladderus will not be raised from the dead at this point.

    Mike Fool | [ a ]
  13. "Kevin, it's impossible for me to read the word aluminum without hearing the English al-you-min-iyoom. For some reason, when I hear it like that in my head, it's extra funny."

    It's also extra the right way of pronouncing it! It's called English for a reason.

    it's more Al-you-min-ee-um though

    A-loo-min-um, hehehe.

    has loo in the middle, wait you guys might not get that. loo is a word for toilet in England.

    Anyway enough mocking Americans, I'm off to have a cup of tea and some scones.

    andy | [ a ]
  14. "It's also extra the right way of pronouncing it! It's called English for a reason."

    Indubitably, old chap. Pass me a scone.

    jeremy | [ a ]
  15. I think we settled the right and wrong way of doing things back in Boston... There ain't no tea party like a Boston Tea Party...

    Bryan | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Hyuky Laffenjoke

Hyuky Laffenjoke

He can find hilarity in any story! People are delighted with the whimsy Hyuky brings to their parties, barmitzfahs, and AA meetings.