Cosmic Hookers

Cosmic Hookers

Careening through space in their Hookship

...on a search for Intergalactic Johns.

Cosmic Hookers held the coveted title of Current Champ from Friday, December 14, 2007 to Sunday, December 16, 2007, heartily vanquishing The Toothed Wormhole to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Vice.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Haha! Oh man, these just get better and better!

    The puns, entendres and tergiversations are just too much! The hookers are definitely one of my favorite so far. That and Shampooer.

    Heinyken | [ a ]
  2. HAHA I love it it!

    Trunk | [ a ]
  3. Did anyone else need to look up the word tergiversations?

    paul | [ a ]
  4. I assumed it was a conversation between to Tergivers. Tergivers being people who give Ter to each other. Ter being the word for festival in Kokborok. Kokborok being the native language of the Tripuri people in the Indian state of Tripura and its neighboring areas of Bangladesh.

    See, before the internet, I would have had to make a fart joke to get a laugh. No more!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  5. My favorite part is how you know there are at least 81 other hookships out there.

    Burt | [ a ]
  6. The "Hookers in Space" was one of the nation's most prolific initiatives.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  7. I desperately hope that some of these get sold as Tshirts on this site. I'd love this one!

    blipple bloop blop | [ a ]
  8. Cosmic Hookers... Cosmic Pole Dancing anyone?

    Deadpool | [ a ]
  9. how can a pimp not beat the hookers?

    Maren | [ a ]
  10. ^^ Figuratively or literally?

    burt | [ a ]
  11. ^^A little from Column A, a little from Column B...

    The Carboxyl Group | [ a ]
  12. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ;-D

    good one Kevin

    You Guys rock!

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  13. It's going to be hard for Sutter to come up with something that isn't "the Space Pimp."

    Zach | [ a ]
  14. How come users can't submit? There's plenty of talent out there and this is so far the only site with a continuing game of this nature. Seems a shame to not display content by fans (other than the invited guests I mean). Have you considered a fan art gallery with ideas for superheroes/villains unrelated to the current champion.
    Sorry if this gets posted all the time. There were too many comments to go back and read to check...

    Also, lol @ the comments on the Creationist.

    Tom | [ a ]
  15. "How come users can't submit? "

    There's a few reasons, the top one being that it's just not what the site was created for. We built the Superest because we just wanted a place to play this game against each other. People seem to enjoy watching, and we're thankful for that; but turning this site into a user-content focused site pretty much sucks the joy out of it for us, because we go from being two artists having fun, to being site administrators and moderators.

    The second biggest reason is that I just don't have the time to put together and run a user-content driven site. I was already overloaded running Bearskinrug. There's only so many hours in a day, and I lose about 2 of them just drawing my entry.

    There's plenty of talent out there and this is so far the only site with a continuing game of this nature.

    Yes, there IS plenty (that's partly why we have guests), and in due time someone else will fill the gap in the web we seem to NOT be filling. There's already a couple other My Team, Your Team games started elsewhere as well, including Bayou Battle and Line Fight (my apologies to anyone else who's shown me their games - I don't have all the urls with my right now).

    Have you considered a fan art gallery with ideas for superheroes/villains unrelated to the current champion.

    I have no objections to anyone posting their own heroes and linking to them, but I also don't want comments to turn into a wall of images like an art forum, so we don't allow embedded images. Again, it's just not what this site is built to do. The simpler it is, the better it serves its original purpose — a place for Matt and I to play My Team, Your Team.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  16. Along those lines, is their a process for people being selected to be guests? I know that you are not currently taking guest submissions... I'm just curious as to how the guest are selected.

    Keyser520 | [ a ]
  17. So far, guests have been selected for a variety of reasons. Some are friends who we initially wanted to include in the regular rotation, but they didn't feel able to participate with the frequency Sutter and I do. Some are illustrators we've worked with before, and wanted to work with again; some are illustrators we just want to do a project with.

    We're open to anyone as a guest (meaning, it doesn't just have to be illustrators), but we do try to select people who we think can work in the right tone for the site. As for why guests became invite-only, it's because the amount of submissions became a bit overwhelming. That, and sorting through submissions brings Matt and I that much closer to being editors instead of participants, and also invites the headache of complaints from the select few who don't understand that not getting selected doesn't mean we don't like the ideas or admire the talent — it's just the nature of editing content. Some very talented people, with very funny ideas just might not be right for this site.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  18. That clears everything up. If you ever decide to expand to allow submissions are looking for someone who is willing to volunteer to be an editor of sorts, let me know ;-) If it's not asking a question you don't want to answer, who designed this site? Is it an out-of-the-box package, or did one of you make it?

    Keyser520 | [ a ]
  19. "If you ever decide to expand to allow submissions are looking for someone who is willing to volunteer to be an editor of sorts, let me know ;-)"

    Sure thing. We definitely haven't ruled any of it out, and who knows what we'll want to do in a few months once we start to burn out a bit. But for now, we're happy with the site.

    As for the editor position, there's only one catch: Matt has to give you back-rubs. Which isn't as pleasant as it sounds, because his hands are made of pencils.

    "Who designed this site? Is it an out-of-the-box package, or did one of you make it?"

    It's all built from scratch. I designed it, coded it, and integrated it to be published with Movable Type (3.5). The javascript for the live comment preview was coded by Dan Mall, however.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  20. I'm willing to risk the pencils...

    also: I really like the interface. Would you be interested in designing something similar for a project I have in mind? Send me an email for details, and then you can give me a price quote.

    Keyser520 | [ a ]
  21. Well, I appreciate the compliment, but I actually don't take on design work. :)

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  22. Dang it. Know anyone willing to design a similar interface? :-(

    Keyser520 | [ a ]
  23. I do some freelance web design. Feel free to check out my site and shoot me an email if you want.

    Gerren | [ a ]
  24. Possibly the best site of seen in the last 12 months. Keep up the good (and evil) work.

    Bud | [ a ]
  25. I also don't want comments to turn into a wall of images like an art forum-Bear Skin Rug

    I agree, somehow the words have also become another wall of images...lots of comments for a very splendiferous site.
    oops, I have become a victim of my own comment...
    respectfully recognizing having something just for yourself,

    thirtygirl | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Fairy Grandmother

Fairy Grandmother

Puts some meat on those bones. Sweetie? Sweetie — Do you want more cookies? I'll get you more cookies. Mangia, mangia!