Babe Ruthless

Babe Ruthless

Practices his hitting on airborne objects.

He also practices his eating with airborne food.

Babe Ruthless held the coveted title of Current Champ from Wednesday, January 02, 2008 to Thursday, January 03, 2008, heartily vanquishing Lord Aleaping to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Termite.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Happy New Year!

    JBLIII | [ a ]
  2. Hitting it into the park?

    MORK | [ a ]
  3. swing batter batter batter swiiinnggg

    GARZIlla | [ a ]
  4. steroids.


    zman | [ a ]
  5. I vote he be beaten by a sports heckler.

    Dvlfish | [ a ]
  6. Actually I was hoping they'd have a hero to defeat "Santa Pause." Maybe something like "Santa the Hutt: will not give up his favorite decorations, until like, mid february."

    Dvlfish | [ a ]
  7. Santa who?


    L | [ a ]
  8. "Santa the Hut" lol good one. :)

    Nik | [ a ]
  9. That signature brings back imagery of the Sandlot...
    Killer hero to start the new year. There's no way in hell he gets picked last!

    Jon | [ a ]
  10. I love that the bat has spikes sticking out of it! I keep mentally picturing him whacking the Leaping Lord while he's in that arrogant leaping position LOL!!... Wow, I'm a little twisted. Anyway, nice work!

    omnichelle | [ a ]
  11. He also practices his fornicating with airborne prostitutes.

    The Carboxyl Group | [ a ]
  12. A brilliant start to the new year!

    *happily restarts the habit of visiting this site 100 times a day*

    quirkz | [ a ]
  13. The Curse of the BAMMMbino.

    Deadpool | [ a ]
  14. The Curse of the BAMMMbino.

    Deadpool | [ a ]
  15. Way to use my band name.

    Dustin Ruthless | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Doctor Doom

Doctor Doom

Predicts "The End". Turns out Hellmütt has Stuntmaniac Poisoning. Also, it turns out Doctor Doom doesn't actually treat injuries, just diagnoses them. Also, also, it turns out Doctor Doom is a jerk.