Arthur Ritus

Arthur Ritus

Traumatizing your joints.

He puts the owing in growing old.

Arthur Ritus held the coveted title of Current Champ from Wednesday, January 16, 2008 to Friday, January 18, 2008, heartily vanquishing Shaolin Spinster to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Pus In Boots.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Haha - one of your best so far, Sutter! Love the pipe-framing!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  2. I agree, this one is the bomb.

    DEADPOOL | [ a ]
  3. He must be close pals with Futurama's Bender.

    burt | [ a ]
  4. And here I thought overcoming the virgin would involve CLEANING the pipes, not bending them.

    And yes, I said overcoming. That, my friends, is clever innuendo.

    ajob223 | [ a ]
  5. Cheeky! And Saucy!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  6. *Mr. Burns* Excellent.

    Alexander | [ a ]
  7. Haha, this one is the best yet. I love the one piece leotard, and the viens. The mac daddy of all bomb diggities.

    IGPDavid | [ a ]
  8. For me, it's your best yet.

    TheJones | [ a ]
  9. my second favorite. this one is still the most Sutter-rific.

    kevin | [ a ]
  10. Wait, are you saying Sutter is a part of said squad? This is an interesting development.

    M.M. | [ a ]
  11. I was born by "The Squad" actually. It was bound to happen sooner or later.

    sutter | [ a ]
  12. one piece leotard = unitard

    toadhall | [ a ]
  13. I could take him.

    Ben Gay | [ a ]
  14. This guy is just asking for a heart-attack.

    Tom | [ a ]
  15. Brilliant and awesome illustration.

    Jo | [ a ]
  16. I love how, even though he's got the tiniest legs ever, he's still, for some reason, standing on only one of them.
    It looks like he's about to pee on a fire hydrant!

    Linsel | [ a ]
  17. Heh. The first opponent for Arthur Ritis that came to mind was this:

    Ben Gay: This dapper young fellow can ease your pain, and doesn't mind if you're a little kinky.

    Vercalos | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Didi Divide

Didi Divide

Surrounds and overwhelms any single individual. Can Rick O'Shea deflect 60 simultaneously-thrown spears? No. What a dumb question.