

Makes everything soggier.

There's nothing worse than soggy cereal.

Soggubus held the coveted title of Current Champ from Sunday, February 10, 2008 to Tuesday, February 12, 2008, heartily vanquishing Serial Filler to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Lady Lacquer.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Watch... some kid's gonna steal this name for his "Black Metal" band.

    jim | [ a ]
  2. Also makes cereal as black as tar. Yucks.

    burt | [ a ]
  3. Some cereal is equally yummy crunchy or soggy though. It gives the milk time to be flavored by the sugar too.

    Although I have to say the black ooze atop the soggy cereal doesn't look quite as appealing.

    Awesome artwork on the font ^_^

    Mouse | [ a ]
  4. Creepy!

    diogo | [ a ]
  5. At first I was surprised to see that this demon is a woman (note the busty charcoal grey bikini top) but it totally makes sense if milk is your main weapon.


    Herrimanjoe | [ a ]
  6. Yeah I gotta say - Frosted Mini-Wheats are delicious soggy.

    Not much else to add, other than this kind of resembles that thing flying round the Mothman Prophecies, if it mated with that devil-dude in Legend. Which means: awesome.

    solaana | [ a ]
  7. So true. Nothing worse. Maybe melted ice cream...

    redgirl | [ a ]
  8. ...but I love soggy cereal

    Seriously, I usually let my cereal sit for a few minutes before eating it.

    Awesome hero, btw. I lol'd

    philip | [ a ]

    A succubus is a female demon who has sex with mortal men. If it were male, it would be an incubus.

    Philip | [ a ]
  10. i imagine the next hero won't be Weetabix.

    alex | [ a ]
  11. Deliciously scary!!! It could also be a brand name for possessed oatmeal.

    M.M.  | [ a ]
  12. Actually, I've found that some cereals are impossible to make soggy. Like Rice Crispies, and Cocoa Puffs.

    IGPDavid | [ a ]
  13. @PHILIP --> I believe you made a typo: it would of course be an "ingubus."

    Anna | [ a ]
  14. Good one! Reminds me of Cap'n Crunch's old cartoon-advertisement nemeses, "The Soggies."

    Of course, there's no better way to defeat a Cubus (Suc- or In-) than a tentacle monster...

    dvlfish | [ a ]
  15. He must be the leader of "The Sogs"

    KellDuffy | [ a ]
  16. Er, critical html fail
    Edit: "The Sogs"

    KellDuffy | [ a ]
  17. Soggy cereal! Ew ew ew ew ew!

    Fabian | [ a ]
  18. All I know is that it is awesome that she is so soggy, that she is actually dripping into the bowl.

    Jo | [ a ]
  19. I'm soggy.

    al3sim | [ a ]

A Random Hero!



Draining the World's hairspray supply because he can't afford real alcohol. By law, he's not allowed to buy alcohol but that doesn't include products that happen to contain it.