The Reeking Havoc

The Reeking Havoc

You can't discipline the stench of chaos.

Most describe the stench to smell exactly like defeat.

The Reeking Havoc held the coveted title of Current Champ from Thursday, February 28, 2008 to Monday, March 03, 2008, heartily vanquishing Discipline Duo to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Deodoreyes.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Oh snap, I can only imagine what defeat smells like. Probably a mix of B.O. and the 9 month old yogurt I found in my room last week.

    Jezbort  | [ a ]
  2. Can't go wrong with those creepy/stinky eyes!

    Trunk | [ a ]
  3. stinky eyes?

    haz | [ a ]
  4. Totally gets defeated by a maid that cleans every nook and cranny of that horrible stench. Now if only she could get rid of those floating eye balls.

    Thanks Sutter for the great illustration. Beautiful Type treatment.

    Jo | [ a ]
  5. "Beautiful" is an interesting word choice, JO. As it is describing the words "Reeking Havoc," haha.

    And HAZ, I suppose since you can give someone "the stink-eye," you can have stinky eyes?

    burt | [ a ]
  6. Sutter, you're actually improving!

    Iancorey | [ a ]
  7. It is just me or does it look like Sutter is channeling Kevin's muse? Double defeat. Vanquished with your own style.

    Toadhall | [ a ]
  8. I've been coming to this site for about a month now and it never ceases to amaze me. It's so brilliant - keep up the awesomeness!

    Jerse | [ a ]
  9. Cool Illustration Matt! Just what out for that air freshener!

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  10. This is something I would be very, very proud to sport in public.

    Rachel | [ a ]
  11. I totally, totally agree with Rachel on this one.

    Fabian | [ a ]
  12. The Fan: Airing out dissenters with the winds of change...

    adam | [ a ]
  13. ze smell of de feet?
    i washed my socks yesterday!

    grg | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Fallout Fedora

Fallout Fedora

Impressive coifs should fear this toxic topper. Hair today, gone tomorrow when this radioactive lid takes its perch.