

Tip him and he'll tip you back

Here's a tip for The Tipper: Don't bop with Boppo or you'll get bopped.

Boppo held the coveted title of Current Champ from Monday, May 19, 2008 to Wednesday, May 21, 2008, heartily vanquishing The Tipper to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Diabolical Fists of Little Richie Hawkins.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Boppin' the Tipper probably inflated his ego...

    burt | [ a ]
  2. You gotta love Boppo's Krustical good looks!

    skvirel | [ a ]
  3. That guy is BUFF!

    sean | [ a ]
  4. I remember having one of these as a kid.

    I also remember the horror on my mom's face when the bottom split open for some inexplicable reason and sand poured out everywhere onto the carpet.

    Haricot Vert | [ a ]
  5. I've only just found this website. It's amazing!

    As for Boppo - does anyone remember Day of the Tentacle? I'm sure Boppo's Father is in it!

    GeoNeo | [ a ]
  6. Love the missing tooth... Good touch. And the 6-pack. Brilliant!

    netdruid | [ a ]
  7. Kudos! The consistently unique concept and illustration execution is impressive. I’ve shared this site multiple times with my Illustrator class I teach and it is always a big hit.
    Any chance one or both of you could provide some insight into your design process and tools used to create the artwork?

    whalemap | [ a ]
  8. No you did not just quote Digital Underground right there. Someone needs to marry me right now because I am in love. I wish I could make a pun on "thug life" and tipping, but it's early. Carry on.

    solaana | [ a ]
  9. good thing Boppo and the Shiv Cactus are on the same team

    noah | [ a ]
  10. Whalemap: I think both of us generally find a weakness and exploit it in an unexpected way for the next hero. Some heroes are way harder to beat than others.

    I usually work in a variety of Micron pens and pencil, scan it, and perform a few digital tweaks here and there. Sometimes I'll do the whole thing digitally (like Boppo here) and draw it right in Flash with my trusty Wacom tablet. We try to switch up the style on occasion to make it more interesting for you and us.

    sutter | [ a ]
  11. Nice Sutter. Any reason you use Flash vs. Illustrator? Just wondering.

    Robohamster | [ a ]
  12. Robohampster: I like the drawing tools in Flash better than AI. I don't wanna screw with bezier curves. I just want to grab a line and bend it. I've also gotten used to Flash from drawing while animating in it with the Wacom. AI seems to be a little clunky with a tablet.

    sutter | [ a ]
  13. To only be beaten by my stingy grandpa - he won't tip anyone!

    Mike fox | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

The Nag

The Nag

Agitates the most serene foes until they come to blows. "How come my description has to rhyme? None of the other heroes rhyme. Why don't you take that writing course I told you about?"