The Diabolical Fists of Little Richie Hawkins

The Diabolical Fists of Little Richie Hawkins

No toy can withstand those massive hams!

Boppo go Poppo.

The Diabolical Fists of Little Richie Hawkins held the coveted title of Current Champ from Wednesday, May 21, 2008 to Wednesday, May 21, 2008, heartily vanquishing Boppo to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Reamer.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. WOW! Seems like little Richie can sure pack a punch! Wouldn't want to be knocked out by those agglomerations!

    opspraak | [ a ]
  2. Oh, for sure. And he's got a wicked temper too. Once he couldn't get all the change out of his piggy bank, and he crushed it to dust.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  3. Pulverizes his opponents, hand-over-fist.

    burt | [ a ]
  4. And yet, all Richie wants is a decoder ring that is smaller than a dinner plate.

    Ian | [ a ]
  5. This is shaping up to one of those weeks! Hopefully no one will jinx it.

    Iancorey | [ a ]
  6. Could he be defeated by the onset of puberty, and the need to self-gratify?

    Mike | [ a ]
  7. @ Mike - I was thinking the same thing. All that's needed to defeat him is a cute little girl in a pinafore who abhors large hands.

    solaana | [ a ]
  8. The type treatment is perfect again and again!

    iffy | [ a ]
  9. I agree with Iffy - awesome work on the typography, Kevin! And the fists, of course.

    steve | [ a ]
  10. What a great set of proportions--who would even go near those fists?

    Anthony Holden | [ a ]
  11. @ SOLAANA: I was thinking he could be defeated by the need to gratify, but the Appendage Apprehendor would have taken it away, thereby leaving him distraught.

    Mike | [ a ]
  12. Did he have "hands, smell like ham"?

    Ham Hands | [ a ]
  13. I'm wondering if Little Richies' fists were modelled on Stans' legendary "Hulk Fists" :

    Jamie | [ a ]
  14. Dammit! I should have made him little Stanny Santos!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]

A Random Hero!



A single clap brings the most handsome of heroes regret and discomfort. Unfortunately for Phenomenalbert , his good looks will earn him a lot of applause.