The Superest Store is Open for Business!

The Superest Store is Open for Business!

Superest Store is open!

The Superest Store has opened just in time for summer. Why wash your car with a dirty old rag when you can use a brand new Superest shirt?

The Superest Store profiteered from Wednesday, June 04, 2008 to Wednesday, June 04, 2008. This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter.


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. This is what everyone has been waiting for! New car-washing tools!!

    burt | [ a ]
  2. bahahah!
    this is by far the best sales gimmick ever. ever!

    million | [ a ]
  3. Well, we launched the store yesterday, and no one really saw it since most people read through the Hero RSS feed. So we figured we'd put a note in there to let people know.

    Plus, now we can get feedback on the shirts, or hopefully maybe narrow down what hero could possibly go on a shirt.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  4. Good idea, but I'd rather have one of your guys' amazing drawings on MY shirt.

    james | [ a ]
  5. Glee!

    the Carboxyl Group | [ a ]
  6. One word: velcro. Then you have one shirt (many colors?) and sell sets of velcro backed heros to affix to said shirt. Cha-ching!

    Shaun Inman | [ a ]
  7. Can we have a shirt printed with the non-hero glee-saying t-shirt guy ?

    haz | [ a ]
  8. i love Mojo's Curriculum Vitae! release a book of these heroes!!! and more importantly release them in the UK as well!!! i love your work, i love your style, i love your brains!

    you inspired me to start doodling at work while im waiting for my next idea to come to my head!

    manicmanc | [ a ]
  9. Yeah Kevin and Sutter, your shop rules and the Shirt idea is great, only i'm not yet enticed to buy... now if there was a hero on a shirt.... now then we're talking...

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  10. Love the store idea and have been an avid reader since this started. two questions. are you planning on putting heroes on shirts in the future? and Where is the Bacon shirt from the Birthday Squad? Absolutely Classic

    Cory | [ a ]
  11. Sutter and I would definitely LOVE to put a hero on a shirt.

    The question is... what hero?

    Shirt making is an expensive and risky venture; you can't just run a few shirts — you need to run a few shirts in every size you think people would want.

    And with regards to putting a hero on a shirt, people love certain heroes, but we need to find one a majority would like. Ten people liking a certain hero doesn't cut it. I'm not even sure twenty sales would make putting a hero on a shirt cost effective.

    And while the solution of print-on-demand shirts has been suggested, Sutter and I have yet to find one that is the quality we're looking for. And we just don't want to put out a shirt where the front flakes off, or the fabric is cheap, or the front is some weird vinyl.

    So you can see our predicament. But here's the perfect place for people to tell us what hero they'd like to see!


    (p.s. - Sutter did design the BACON shirt. Once we sell enough of this first round of shirts we'll be able to print it up)

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  12. before i saw the grade school class, i thought the store was the new hero because you'd have to break open the piggy bank to buy the shirt, that is why i thought it was so amazing.
    then again, nothing could beat the shirt.

    million | [ a ]
  13. Heheh - that's pretty awesome. I wish we DID intend that!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  14. Haha That would have been clever of us. Too bad we aren't that quick witted.

    sutter | [ a ]
  15. I dont think you will ever get a clear consensus on everyones favorite superhero. So, as a solution I suggest that you ignore all the other chumps and just make a shirt that I will like. I vote for kid zombie vs. nanny sod off. Get to screenin' Sutter!

    nocoins | [ a ]
  16. YES!!!!!! I am sooo looking forward to the BACON shirt!!

    bettsmedia | [ a ]
  17. Kevin, we won't ever be able to decide on one Hero to shirtilize.

    I think your best bet is to get a Top Five (or so) list of Heroes and draw them all into one shirt design. Kind of like a Team.

    People would be more receptive to buying a shirt with a few lovable Heroes on it! Though it would require some new illustration time...

    Oh, and make sure the Deep Friar and 'Pus in Boots are on there!

    burt | [ a ]
  18. Hi Kevin and Sutter.

    I understand your predicament with choosing one (or more) hero(es) to put on a shirt. Getting us, your avid fans, to tell you would be best obviously, the consumer generally knows what he/she wants. SO, why not have some sort of rating system for your heroes, the ones that get the highest scores would obviously be the most popular ones. Or otherwise, why not put a button next to the heroes, that says something like "Hell Yeah I want this on a shirt!" ? Then your legion of fans could click and again you'd get our views, and know which heroes are popular enough to sell on shirts. As for my favourites, out of Kevin's, Deep Friar and Sutter's, Brocco Lee.

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  19. I think it would be super duper super cool to have our favorite hero (by which I mean mine) on the front with the the hero she vanquished on the back. That being said, please please please please make a shirt with the Six Year old Girl on the front and Albinis the turtle on the back.

    Other faves: Marmalady/Captain Captivity
    The Metrics/Sinister Swapper
    Tartar Martyrs/Teddy Slane
    Number Cruncher/Die Chart
    Turpen Team/Lady Lacquer

    Shannon | [ a ]
  20. I think it would be super duper super cool to have our favorite hero (by which I mean mine) on the front with the the hero she vanquished on the back. That being said, please please please please make a shirt with the Six Year old Girl on the front and Albinis the turtle on the back.

    Other faves: Marmalady/Captain Captivity
    The Metrics/Sinister Swapper
    Tartar Martyrs/Teddy Slane
    Number Cruncher/Die Chart
    Turpen Team/Lady Lacquer

    Shannon | [ a ]
  21. Ah...I need at least XXL. XXXL preferably.

    Alexander | [ a ]
  22. Yes! BACON! I want a BACON t-shirt so bad, I can taste it. Mmm... bacon.

    steve lyon | [ a ]
  23. I'd still love to see The Deep Friar and Nanny Sod-Off on a shirt. Sorry if I've misspelled the names, I'm too lazy to look back. Still, I think any of them could stand alone on a shirt. You guys are amazing. I'll be back with more thoughts!

    angie | [ a ]
  24. pro swimmer, d20, shaolin spinster, die chart + deep friar + dr. empathy all need to be immortalized on an american apparel super soft t-shirt! xo

    Jane | [ a ]
  25. I'm all for Burt's idea! So long as The Ring Leader gets on it! :D

    Grant | [ a ]
  26. My ideal Superest t-shirt would be a kind of Trajan's Column in which a whole line of heroes spiral around and around from the bottom of the t-shirt to the top. (I just love the idea that some curious onlooker would be compelled to circle four or five times, following the path of the vanquished.

    JBLIII | [ a ]
  27. I second JBLIII's idea - I was thinking you'd just have 5 or so heroes in a row printed near the bottom of the shirt, all the way around or something. That would be really cool and fun and would certainly be a conversation starter.

    solaana | [ a ]
  28. I like the team Idea boys. I think there should be a Sutter team and a Kevin team. I think you guys should pick your favorites. I know, I know they are like your kids and you could never choose. Sutter can pick his favorite Kevin heroes and vice versa. I would buy one of each and wear them on alternating days.

    P.S. Does Windhammer count? Because I totally want a Windhammer shirt.

    pdobry | [ a ]
  29. d20 looks most marketable to me. Pairing d20 with Floor Kraken in a front/back design is pretty compelling.

    For me, the two heroes most clearly destined for standalone t-shirt designs are The Tipper and The Diabolical Fists of Little Richie Hawkins. And Killer Fluffy Bunny Prize. Okay, three. And Phillip LePhipp. And...gee, I have a soft spot for the Unopposinator. Four. Er, five.

    I absolutely love Nanny Sod-Off, but a t-shirt just wouldn't do her justice. Framed print, perhaps?

    Alarm Angel belongs on a Christmas card.

    And I want a Lion-X Trapper Keeper!

    St. Chris | [ a ]
  30. Hey! You should make a Kid Zombie t-shirt because then I can wear it when I'm dreaming about zombies.

    M.M. | [ a ]

    Philip | [ a ]
  32. ..although I think the idea of having a bunch of heroes on one shirt (locked in perpetual battle) would be awesome.

    What I'd REALLY like to see is a coffee table book. That would be gold.

    Philip | [ a ]
  33. The key thing is that in some distant future when you decided to end this battle, the final hero should be someone who will be vanquished by the Unopposinator, thereby creating an infinite loop of heroes.

    JBLIII | [ a ]
  34. A Coffee Table Book would be AMAZING. Do that. I'd pay big time... *shiver*

    p.s.- I'm glad others are voting for The Deep Friar. Love him.

    angie | [ a ]
  35. Ugh, don't make me choose! They're all awesome. But I do love the Detour Raptor, the Deep Friar and of course sweet delicious Bacon.

    Paz | [ a ]
  36. The bacon shirt. please, please please. It isn't as surprising as a hero I admit, but its the one i would wear every day.

    Danielcg | [ a ]
  37. I would love a shirt with ALBINIS on the front and THE 6 YEAR OLD GIRL who can throw a tea party anywhere on the back. My favorite vanquishing of all time. That poor, poor albino turtle...tea anyone?

    JR | [ a ]
  38. The Corkslinger on front and The Shampooer on the back - I'll buy that one!!

    Mikkel | [ a ]
  39. The Corkslinger on front and The Shampooer on the back - I'll buy that one!!

    Mikkel | [ a ]
  40. The Game Show Ghost!

    Julia | [ a ]
  41. Kid Zombie! Please Please Please!

    Amanda | [ a ]
  42. Lion-X
    Shiv Cactus

    Kira | [ a ]
  43. Avaricious Oinksley or Jacques Hammer

    Mike | [ a ]
  44. Jacques Hammer is high on my list right now, which has exactly one on it, because I would lose my mind compiling even a top five list.

    Derek Giromini | [ a ]
  45. Well you've just forced me into going through the entire back catalogue again (which was pretty fun) and make a detailed list for possible T-shirts.

    Its hard to take most heroes out of context, but my favourite heroes that I think could stand alone on a T-shirt are: Obstacle Force, Killer Kitty Calendar, Titanium Team, Die Chart and Killer Fluffy Bunny Prize.

    It would be great to link 2 or more heroes together, as others have suggested, to get the real Superest flavour. My ideal set would be the triumvirate of The Toothed Wormhole, Cosmic Hookers and The Vice. I also second the combinations of 6-Year Old Girl with Albinis and D20 with the Floor Kraken.

    Also I can see heroes like The Pro Swimmer appealing to swimmers like D20 works for players of D&D and related games even though I'm not one of those people.

    Final thought: some heroes would really benefit from the additional notes section being included on the T-shirt.

    Hope that's an exhaustive enough list!

    RagingLion | [ a ]
  46. Nanny Sawed Off. I'd immediately buy 2 or 3.

    EJ | [ a ]
  47. Casting my vote for 6 year old girl/Albinis, but would certainly purchase a Deep Friar shirt...
    ...or any superest brand quality product for that matter.

    avatarr8 | [ a ]
  48. I think Detour Raptor is by far the best superest character. Put it on a shirt!

    RaptorFan | [ a ]
  49. Brocco Lee being defeated by The Deep Friar. No contest

    javafascist | [ a ]
  50. It's so hard to choose... My love for Hare-2-O is strong, but could I resist a shirt featuring the Titanium Team or the Expiration Dates? No. No I could not. And yet, that being said, I would buy a Nanny Sod Off shirt for myself in a heartbeat and then order one for EVERY PARENT I KNOW. Well, the ones with taste. The ones who would not flinch if they got this at their baby shower instead of that set of receiving blankets they'd registered for.

    Elinoire | [ a ]
  51. Okay, fine, if you must know, I'd also buy shirts with Game Show Ghost or Mr and Ms Chievous Whim. And that second one? i would wear it constantly. I might have to buy two so I could wash one every other day. Yes, I am THAT big a fan of those tiny agents of chaos.

    Elinoire | [ a ]
  52. My favourits were the Metrognome and Allegrissimo. I would so buy a shirt with these!

    Hannah | [ a ]
  53. I don't know if this idea has been thought of yet, but why not create / design a whole mess of shirts with the understanding that orders will only be shipped once a minimum number of requests are made, thus solving the "made to order" problem, while still giving everyone fast choice. At least having that as an option for Hero specific shirts might be good. I can explain further if this is unclear.

    Cory | [ a ]
  54. Obviously a shirtified hero would have to be a joke on its own, instead of having to refer to the previous hero to be understandable. The only hero I have so far saved to my computer because of his brilliance is Brocco-Lee. I think he would sell well, you don't need to know anything about this website to laugh at this vegetable villain. Similarly encapsulated heroes should be chosen for the shirt range.

    Adam | [ a ]
  55. I also put in my two cents for a front/back shirt that captures the Superest feel, with maybe a the Superest logo on a sleeve or at the middle top of the back. In lieu of that here are my individual favorites...heroes who would make a good shirt all by themselves even if someone doesn't know about the Superest.

      The Unoppose-inator
      The Old Schoolmate
      Mr. Ben Soilperrocks-Hyde
      The Deep Friar
      Betty Luke
      The Asteroid
      The Von Brownbag Children
      Phillip Lephipp
      The Termite
      Mad Cow
      The Mover
      Titanium Team
      The Lackey
      Little Richie Hawkins
      The False Alarmers
      The Superstitious Villagers

    Pete | [ a ]
  56. Alkalion

    adam | [ a ]
  57. Brocco-Lee, Alkalion, and Wrecking Paul.

    James | [ a ]
  58. Alkalion!

    Marie | [ a ]
  59. how about a league of monocles t?

    k.t. strasse | [ a ]
  60. Congratuation. Webmaster!!! Your site the best!!!

    Tory | [ a ]
  61. Jane Smoker and Surgeon General

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

The Iron Cabinet

The Iron Cabinet

Filing away your documents... forever! While you're in there, file your dignity under destroyed!