Uncle Stand

Uncle Stand

Stands and waits while the artists of The Superest go on vacation.

We will be practicing the three R's: Resting, relaxing, and roping cattle.

Uncle Stand declared an armistice from Thursday, July 03, 2008 to Wednesday, July 09, 2008. His magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Great one!
    Have a nice break.

    Simona | [ a ]
  2. Have fun guys, look forward to your return, with (hopefully) fresh ideas and new creativity from the hols :)

    Shaun S | [ a ]
  3. HAHAHA @ the second pair of Sutter & Kevin trivial facts.

    burt | [ a ]
  4. Happy BACON break guys! Well deserved!

    Bettsmedia | [ a ]
  5. Bacon shirts soon to be announced. Keep watching!

    sutter | [ a ]
  6. Hhmmmm, Bacon

    DanOhh | [ a ]
  7. Have a great Holiday guys!

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  8. Shocking, but False!

    EToaster | [ a ]
  9. On the contrary, I found none of these facts shocking and naturally assumed they must be true. I mean,when was the last time The Superest led any of us astray?

    Anthony | [ a ]
  10. ........I dont like pickles

    Miaaa | [ a ]
  11. I thought they'd be back today.

    chrism | [ a ]

A Random Hero!



Jittery hands ruin precision jobs Ever had your coffee mug YOU?