

Adorably unhuggable

He also stars in his own childrens show — "The Poison Time Stabby Hour"

Fuzzy held the coveted title of Current Champ from Tuesday, July 22, 2008 to Thursday, July 24, 2008, heartily vanquishing Aunt Olympia to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Sea Miner.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. He should have stared in finding Nemo.

    el pie-o | [ a ]
  2. v. stared, star·ing, stares
    1. To look directly and fixedly, often with a wide-eyed gaze

    Yes | [ a ]
  3. Okay, laugh then, I known that spelling isn't my top subject so a little dictionary sarcasm amuses me.
    Besides, he looks like he's staring to me.

    El pie-o | [ a ]
  4. Perfect!

    stex | [ a ]
  5. I come back an hour later, and I still love it. Mr. Jellyhead has a new rival for my favorite superest.

    el pie-o  | [ a ]
  6. I need this one (well, without the "spiked" bikini top) on a t-shirt because I am also "adorably unhuggable."

    ricki | [ a ]
  7. The pierced bikini is a tad disturbing.

    But then again, so was Aunt Olympia.

    burt | [ a ]
  8. i was kinda hoping for some sort of card with money in it which makes any aunts stay well worth the torture.

    million | [ a ]
  9. I would SO watch "The Poison Time Stabby Hour". So much love.

    Christina | [ a ]
  10. This is cool, I have a very good idea of who will beat him, not going to say, 'cos that'd spoil the fun...

    Nice comeback Matt!

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  11. Reminds me of The Simpsons when they go to a sushi place, and Homer loudly demands "Fugu me!!"

    @ El Pie-O: there was a blowfish in Finding Nemo, in the dentist's aquarium. No ragged bikini was attached to a spike though.

    ajob223 | [ a ]
  12. this one is awesome! I love the stabbed bikini top. It makes me think aunt olympia was some sort of giant balloon creature that was punctured and deflated. Hooray!

    emperatriz | [ a ]
  13. Was Aunt Olympia really stupid enough to hug fuzzy, Infalated or not?

    el pie-o | [ a ]
  14. Maybe she went into a 'roid rage and tried to crush Fuzzy to death. You know, because he questioned her homerun record or something.

    ajob223 | [ a ]
  15. Haha - that had me laughing for a while, AJOB223 :D

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  16. I did try several ways to use her 'roid use against her but they were kinda easy and weak in the end.

    sutter | [ a ]
  17. Now I'm just thinking about Aunt Olympia naked :/

    Euryleia | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

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Kline the Landmine

Be careful where you dig... His natural talents will blow your mind... up!