The Bends

The Bends

Contort their way around trouble

They bend over backwards while The Sea Whiner gets bent out of shape

The Bends held the coveted title of Current Champ from Thursday, July 24, 2008 to Monday, July 28, 2008, heartily vanquishing Sea Miner to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Starch Duke Ferdinand.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. I like the continued aquatic theme

    theobold | [ a ]
  2. yeah, the bends. thats funny. a diver with the bends... heheh.

    James | [ a ]
  3. Brilliant!

    mario | [ a ]
  4. Hahah - AWESOME Sutter :D

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  5. Are those expressions of glee, or realization that they are running out of oxygen and are hopelessly tangled with one another with no chance of getting to the surface?

    Very disconcerting, Sutter! Haha.

    Burt | [ a ]
  6. I've heard of footsies, but this is ridiculous.

    L | [ a ]
  7. That's knot funny.

    This hero is really stretching it.

    ajob223 | [ a ]
  8. Slam DUNK!

    Iancorey | [ a ]
  9. this is one of your tops Sutter. bravo!

    GUESS | [ a ]
  10. I can't help but think about their sex life...

    euryleia | [ a ]
  11. Well done Matt, so good on so many levels!

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]

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