Fairy Grandmother

Fairy Grandmother

Puts some meat on those bones.

Sweetie? Sweetie — Do you want more cookies? I'll get you more cookies. Mangia, mangia!

Fairy Grandmother held the coveted title of Current Champ from Friday, August 22, 2008 to Monday, August 25, 2008, heartily vanquishing Femurder to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Jack Rummy.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. I was expecting maybe a reverse diet pill, or even a very fatty food (tm), but using such a complete power as Fairy Grandmother isn't very clever as it's just a win against anything ever.

    Peter Atkinson | [ a ]
  2. Unexpected but wonderful!

    ricki | [ a ]
  3. I love the arm feeding him as he holds it, freakin classic!

    Dan | [ a ]
  4. HAHAHA @ "Puts some meat on those bones."


    burt | [ a ]
  5. I always love seeing the vanquished hero in the next panel. The lightning bolts, the arm holding, the trance-like state...this simply takes the cake!! (and cookies)

    bettsmedia | [ a ]
  6. Peter - Hmmm - perhaps it isn't coming across, but her ONLY power is putting meat on bones. This isn't a fairy godmother, but a grandmother - and grandmother's tend to always want you to make food for you. At least... some grandmothers.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  7. The meatball on a spoon for the dot on the "i" is brilliant type/image work!

    whalemap | [ a ]
  8. She has given Femurder a brand new superpower though, the all-mighty Man Teat. Capable of repelling men and women alike (and collecting crumbs).

    ajob223 | [ a ]
  9. I just think its creepy how happy little Johnny is having a dismembered arm feed him cookies.

    Daniel | [ a ]
  10. His name ain't Johnny! It's Femurder!

    That being said, how'd his disembodied arm get it's skin back? Surely his stomach doesn't transfer fat back to severed limbs.

    RobotKeaton | [ a ]
  11. The "manboobs" are classic!

    Tim | [ a ]
  12. Theres a t-shirt I defenitly buy, but who could possibly best this? is this the end?

    Edgar | [ a ]
  13. So technically, isn't the Fairy Grandmother, like, allied with the Vulgar Vulture? 'Cause by putting "some meat on those bones," she's making it so that the Femurderer can be defeated by the Vulgar Vulture. That being said, wouldn't the Fairy Grandmother be more like a sidekick? I think at this point the REAL champion would have to be the Vulgar Vulture...

    Veggieburger | [ a ]
  14. No, the rules state that the new champion must have a superpower that nullify or otherwise make useles the former champion's superpower. So the FG here is the winner, not Vulgar Vulture.

    Rick | [ a ]
  15. Mangi Mangi! correct italian would be Mangia Mangia! but probably the Fairy Grandmother attended only a cooking school

    ItalianGranny | [ a ]
  16. @Italiangranny: That's the first Italian I learned. From a porn magazine I found near my bus stop.

    iancorey | [ a ]
  17. Italian Granny - But wouldn't mangi be correct if addressing someone in the informal "you" form? "You Eat, You Eat?"

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  18. Um, Isn't Mangi Mangi from the Weird Al song "Lasagna"?

    Josh | [ a ]
  19. @bearskinrug - in italian it's different,if you "impose" an action you have to use the "imperativo" form of the verb which is "mangia" instead if you are,for example,asking if somebody want's to eat pizza you should say "tu mangi la pizza?". I supposed you wanted to refer to the granny imposing you to eat and so "mangia! mangia!" :)

    ItalianGranny | [ a ]
  20. AHA! Thanks Italian Granny - that makes sense. Who says The Superest contributes nothing to my education? ;)

    The change is made :D

    bearskinrug | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Fallout Fedora

Fallout Fedora

Impressive coifs should fear this toxic topper. Hair today, gone tomorrow when this radioactive lid takes its perch.