Debbie Dumped

Debbie Dumped

Her plentiful tears for lost love ruin all things leather.

"Dear Baby: Goodbye. Sincerely, Guy Who is Dumping You."

Debbie Dumped held the coveted title of Current Champ from Tuesday, January 20, 2009 to Thursday, January 22, 2009, heartily vanquishing Verminatrix to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Dehydrodater.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. love the lettering - another classic!

    Em | [ a ]
  2. That winky face on the Dear Baby letter just breaks my heart. How brutal, Sutter.

    burt | [ a ]
  3. best boobs ever. another great homage to staake!

    kevin | [ a ]
  4. Pure awesomeness, Sutter.

    St. Chris | [ a ]
  5. I agree with everyone - lettering, emoticon, and boob awesomeness. Kudos, Sutter!

    steve | [ a ]
  6. I love how the message in the letter says "its not me, its you"! classic!

    Chii | [ a ]
  7. Haha, reminds me of this threadless shirt.

    Robohamster | [ a ]
  8. i don't get it :(
    why is she defeating vertimatrix?

    nice drawing style though

    sepp | [ a ]
  9. Because the Verminatrix is a dominatrix, and therefore has lots of things made of leather...

    serenissima | [ a ]
  10. is -
    is her entire torso made of cleavage?

    deadbeatriot | [ a ]
  11. @deadbeatriot It didn't start out like that but it certainly ended like that. :D

    sutter | [ a ]
  12. To whom it may concern:
    It is very sad and very unethical that one would dump his date because of such fickleness within his cerebral grey matter. May karma work its wonders upon this narcissistic fool in the very way that bees make no honey! I shall be sure to hire a chaperone for thee, so the next time, thine date will be on his best behavior.

    Charles | [ a ]
  13. What's all this elaborate literature about? More importantly, does anyone know WHO Charles is addressing?

    Ebby53 | [ a ]
  14. Perhaps we'll find out soon. Who knows?

    RockyFan1 | [ a ]
  15. Translation:
    I want this rude idiot to face the same fate he gave to the person being adressed, so from now on all potential dates will be monitored. I just want her to be happy.
    -End of translation.

    Cadmus2 | [ a ]

A Random Hero!



Has Xciting supply of illegal fireworks. No one can stay bored, or not get their tea-drinking pinky blown off, with Xplode around!