Major Fatigue

Major Fatigue

Forces a hiatus.

Due to our approaching book deadline, Kevin's disintegrating back, and our general feeling of burnt-outedness, the artists have decided to take a break from posting.

Major Fatigue declared the longest and most successful armistice from Monday, February 09, 2009 to Tuesday, May 12, 2009. His magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Next hero: Paternity Leave

    a | [ a ]
  2. Sutter IS in his third trimester.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  3. It is a fine and voluminous body of work. Rest easy, gents.

    St. Chris | [ a ]
  4. Looking forward to the book! Get well, Kevin! Better to stop now before you run into "General Breakdown" or some even less friendly hero.....

    Aron | [ a ]
  5. I hope you two haven't lost your Mojo.

    I see him lookin' pretty hurtin' on the ground there.

    burt | [ a ]
  6. I understand, but I won't be happy about it!

    Paleos | [ a ]
  7. is this a little foreshadowing as to who will be our last man standing in this epic duel? or is it an artists showing favoritism?

    greenwave | [ a ]
  8. I don't enjoy the violence on this site, particularly the violence directed at evil.

    Glindon | [ a ]
  9. Dude... not cool of Major Fatigue to punch you in the back like that, doesn't he know you're not supposed to punch a guy with glasses? Plus, punching you in your bad back is just adding insult to injury, this guy is an a-hole!

    Glindon | [ a ]
  10. Looks like you two guys made one of the classic mistakes - you brought a paintbrush to a fist-fight.

    ajob223 | [ a ]
  11. this is like zapruder film..the punch is seemingly from the right hand, but his head is going back and to the right..

    chrism | [ a ]
  12. well, who can blame you fellas for needing a break? Good night! You have been fighting evil for years!

    Kimball Frank | [ a ]
  13. While it's sad for us fans, you definitely deserve a break. Enjoy!

    Jessica | [ a ]
  14. ok you can stop having a break now.

    chrism | [ a ]
  15. I've been a fan of the Superest for two years and all I got was this lousy BACON shirt!

    Mike | [ a ]
  16. Awww, I miss you guys!

    Matt | [ a ]
  17. *snøft*..

    mikkel | [ a ]
  18. Bacon. I just want to be able to pay for the book in bacon.

    Bettsmedia | [ a ]
  19. BETTSMEDIA: That could certainly be arranged.

    sutter | [ a ]
  20. Major Fatigue's punches give a pretty long lasting KO.
    come back *sniff

    Terry | [ a ]
  21. Certainly, fatigue is well often inherent to our life style. Overworking and stress are the offending principals of it. Before jumping on your cocktails vitamines and other stimulants, learn to rest you therefore. Some advice of life hygiene is sufficient, most of the time, to let fatigue in its door.

    Anne | [ a ]
  22. All guest artists for The Superest get complimentary bacon, right Sutter?

    burt | [ a ]
  23. why is major fatigue so stroooonggg

    deadbeatriot | [ a ]
  24. COME BACK!! We miss you!

    lindsey | [ a ]
  25. Haha - I know - don't worry, it won't be forever. Matt and I are talking about when we can start up again, and we're just finishing up the book. :)

    We're flattered by everyone's enthusiasm!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  26. hmmm i want the book! whatever is in it, i want it!

    manicmanc | [ a ]
  27. While I know your break wont be forever, I no longer get to sit with my friends and laugh over the site. hope the book goes well.

    DanielCG | [ a ]

    gilbertongo | [ a ]
  29. WOW where's that book?

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  30. We will be back very very soon, fear not. I just have to get off my ass and draw the next fella.

    Sutter | [ a ]
  31. Ink up that finger, Sutter!

    burt | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

The Taste Burglar

The Taste Burglar

Stealing your taste buds in the night. Everything will taste like styrofoam peanuts after a midnight visit from The Taste Burglar.