The Ghost of Christmas Fat

The Ghost of Christmas Fat

Enemy of svelte and seductive figures.

The only thing hot about Koko after a visit from this guy will be her cheeks. You know. From embarrassment. Give me a break... it's Christmas.

The Ghost of Christmas Fat held the coveted title of Current Champ from Thursday, December 24, 2009 to Wednesday, December 30, 2009, heartily vanquishing Hot Koko to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of The Abdominal Snowman.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. I like this one, but the look is all wrong. The ghost of Christmas fat is actually my mother-in-law who serves enough fatty and sugary food for thirty people when there are only six of us. I am getting a visit from this ghost for the next three days!

    Paleos | [ a ]
  2. Yeah, Kevin! Good grief. You got your ghosts confused! Christmas Past was thin, and Fat sounds like Past (well, closer than Present or Future) and Fat looks like Future, but Present was fat.
    Now, who else is confused?

    James | [ a ]
  3. Naw, I didn't get confused. The ghost of Christmas Fat just happens to have the scary look associated with Christmas Future. He's an entirely different ghost of his own, and not affiliated with Dickensian Spectres Ltd. in any way.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]

    James | [ a ]
  5. I was immediately reminded of Cloak, from Marvel's Cloak and Dagger. Although he sends victims to a dark, evil dimension, as opposed to making them obese.

    ajob223 | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

The Prankster

The Prankster

Replaces everyday objects with hilarious rubber facsimiles. Unless the object IS rubber, in which case he just replaces it with fake "doo".