Our Store's Process
Clicking the "Buy Now" button will send you to a secure buying area on paypal.com. If you do not have a paypal account, you can also use a credit card. After a purchase, you will receive a confirmation email from paypal.
You will also receive a confirmation email from Matt or Kevin, regarding the address to ship the item, or any other questions you may have had during the purchase process.
Items will NOT be shipped until you reply to Matt or Kevin's confirmation email.
And Furthermore
The store currently does not support shopping cart functionality. If you want to order more than one of the same shirt, specify the different sizes you'd like under the Add Special Instructions To Seller link (on the paypal transaction page).
If you should place an order for an item that has recently run out, your money will be returned in full. And Sutter will cry.
If you have any questions, feel free to .