Hell Horse

Hell Horse

Steals your voice

Don't look a gift of hoarse in the mouth.

Hell Horse held the coveted title of Current Champ from Sunday, February 24, 2008 to Tuesday, February 26, 2008, heartily vanquishing The Nag to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Birthday Squad.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. Haha, reminds me of the "horse/hoarse" joke in Top Secret!

    And , of course, I'm a fan of the Additional Note pun.

    burt | [ a ]
  2. I guess it is safe to say Hell Horse is no nag.

    Bain | [ a ]
  3. I love the bemused heavy-eyelid expression on the horse's face. Perfect!

    MistryMan | [ a ]
  4. If he opend the jar would all those voices come flying out? If so what would it sound like?

    P.S. I like the huge head an tiny little legs.

    Jezbort | [ a ]
  5. Whoa Nice and a little scary

    Trunk | [ a ]
  6. When I first saw the name, I presumed he'd be using his Bit to keep the Nag quiet. But OK Horse/Hoarse is also good. One thing though..... How does he catch the voices?

    Mountain Gnome | [ a ]
  7. Mountain Gnome: He lures the voices into the jar with a little bit of cheddar cheese. Voices LOVE cheddar.

    sutter | [ a ]
  8. Any relation to Hol Horse of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure fame?

    Mark Vestibule | [ a ]
  9. I'm actually surprised at how close this is to the Bayou Battler(s) that defeated our Naginator: Larry 'n' Gitis. Warped minds think alike, I guess. Keep up the good work, guys.

    Justin | [ a ]
  10. nag(2) /næg/
    1. an old, inferior, or worthless horse.
    2. Slang. any horse, esp. a racehorse.
    3. a small riding horse or pony.

    Is this a subtle stroke of genius?

    Philip | [ a ]
  11. OMG, is that the voice stealing thing from The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T ?!?

    Hah! Awesome

    Belabras | [ a ]

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COaxe Slinger

COaxe Slinger

Blows out speakers with rock! His hit song "Turn you on and plug it in" is steadily climbing the charts in the UK.