The Lackey

The Lackey

Stumbles into work regardless of obvious sickness.

Now that his alimony has kicked in the Lackey simply can't afford to let Hay Fever take him down!

The Lackey held the coveted title of Current Champ from Sunday, March 30, 2008 to Tuesday, April 01, 2008, heartily vanquishing Hay Fever to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Die Chart.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Guest Illustrator Britt Spencer.


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. makes me feel itchy just looking at him...

    sean | [ a ]
  2. Great illustration! Not Lacking in any way.

    burt | [ a ]
  3. I was going to say, Hay Fever would be defeated either by this guy, or my mother, who tried to walk off a sprained ankle.

    solaana | [ a ]
  4. excellent guest comic! love the style, and it is the perfect challenger.

    brendan | [ a ]
  5. The Lackey is fabulously designed. Looking at him, I assume that his life at home is just as full of meaning and respect as his job. Great work.

    Jake Wyatt | [ a ]
  6. Wow. Just wow! As impressed as I was with who Hay Fever vanquished, and then Hay Fever, I am thoroughly impressed with this - mainly for the raw wittiness of the idea, but also the animation is perfect!

    Can't say it enough: You guys rock!

    Heinyken | [ a ]
  7. Oh, oops! It's a guest comic. The skinny legs should've clued me in to that. Well done, Ms. Spencer! The above comment is directed at you! Kevin & Sutter, you guys still rock, worry not!

    Heinyken | [ a ]
  8. *psst* based on his web profile, i think britt spencer is a guy.

    a very talented guy.

    haz | [ a ]
  9. Holy cannoli! I love this guy's art style! (Go check out his illustrations!)

    eg | [ a ]
  10. i am in fact a male

    britt Spencer | [ a ]
  11. Oh DOG DAMMIT! Britt, I hope you will accept my humblest apologies. One of my very best (female) friends is named Britt, so I made that (unfounded, embarrassing) assumption.

    Either way, your art is great, and your wit is clear! Thanks for the submission!

    Heinyken | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Wizzytinkle, the Garden Gnome

Wizzytinkle, the Garden Gnome

Destroys the resale value of entire neighborhoods in seconds. Margo had four simultaneous heart-attacks when that Canadian family moved in. She won't survive this.