Stampete, The One-Man Herd

Stampete, The One-Man Herd

Hootenannies set him a-tramplin'.

There's not a cowboy out there who can withstand 225 hooves to the face and still remain a gracious host.

Stampete, The One-Man Herd held the coveted title of Current Champ from Thursday, October 08, 2009 to Tuesday, October 13, 2009, heartily vanquishing The Fondude to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of Jerry Curl.

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. 225 Hooves?? um.. Your one Stampete, has the equivalent number of hooves as 56.25 bulls? An extra Hero-Hoof for Halting Hootenannies!

    Tanya | [ a ]
  2. LOL. haha brilliant hero! resembles a mutant joker :o

    manicmanc | [ a ]
  3. this is one creepy looking guy, and that grin is just disturbing..

    GOOD GIRL | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Fallen Archer

Fallen Archer

Verily! Thine foot doth he vex and only! McCandz's feet are going to be way too sore to do any fighting this week. We'll be refunding ticket costs shortly.