Grand Finale

Grand Finale

Ends performances (including, sadly, Matt and Kevin's).

Our deepest thanks and appreciation to all of you who have shared your time and your thoughts — we couldn't have asked for a mightier audience!

Grand Finale held the coveted title of Current Champ from Thursday, April 01, 2010 to , heartily vanquishing The Singing Swan to earn it. Unfortunately, brutal defeat came soon after, at the merciless hands of .

This hero's magnaminous likeness was captured at the moment of glorious triumph by Kevin & Sutter .


Quotes overheard while standing in the crowd that gathered to watch the carnage…

  1. nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........ ..... .... ... .. .

    szymon | [ a ]
  2. April Fools?? *crosses fingers*

    Jason | [ a ]
  3. Hi!
    I hope this is only 1 April joke..
    Anyway, I must say I admire your web comic and always are waiting with excitement who will be the next Superhero..

    Ugis | [ a ]
  4. Bravo, gentlemen. The Superest is truly an achievement. You should be very proud of the work you've done here. I'm proud to know ya.

    Rob Weychert | [ a ]
  5. At an even 400, even! Thanks for the great run, guys.

    Marty Alchin | [ a ]
  6. I'm going to bury my head in the sand and ignore this myth that The Superest is, or ever could be, finished. Simply impossible. Quality like this doesn't just end. Nope. No sir.

    Ryan Brunsvold | [ a ]
  7. Here's to the men who brought us such memorable characters as The League of Virgins, The Vegang, The Deep Friar, and The Detour Raptor. Today with salute the true Champions Matt and Kevin. Thank you. It's been an honor to enjoy your work. Seriously how friggin' great was The Nude Squad?!?! A million thanks!

    kevin Sharon | [ a ]
  8. Fun!

    Tom Pope | [ a ]
  9. Did you guys both draw this with interlocking arms - like newlyweds sharing their first glass of champagne? How cute. It's a shame that we won't get to see the next hero: Reese Uscitation (hey, it's legal now). Congrats, guys. I look forward to your next endeavor.

    the malty | [ a ]
  10. mighty grand applause!

    till | [ a ]
  11. What! is still operational?

    I can't help but notice the the tiny little bird staring up at the masticated swan - does this foreshadow and upcoming "The Superest 2: Rise of the Fallen" ?

    Paul | [ a ]
  12. Is it too early to call shenanigans?

    Karl Habegger | [ a ]
  13. Well, I can hope this is April Fool's humor - but if it is not, thanks for an enormously enjoyable run. I laughed at almost every character. Best of luck for the future, guys.

    Paul | [ a ]
  14. I love you Detour Raptor.

    RaptorFan | [ a ]
  15. I hope this is an April Fool's gag!

    But if not, as others have said... what an excellent run!

    Jambe | [ a ]
  16. Good show! Glad that you guys didn't go long enough to have Patrick Duffy wake up and realize it was all a dream. I look forward to your new endeavors including the soon to be cancelled Superest show on UPN and the poorly received, straight to video Superest film starring Dane Cook and Dax Shepard.

    P Dobry | [ a ]
  17. I hope Dax plays me, he's dreeeeamy!

    sutter | [ a ]

    Zia | [ a ]
  19. Well if this is an April Fool's joke, its definitely a good one. But if not, then thanks for the chuckle every Tuesday and Thursday for the past year (or two? i lost count.) And congrats on a job well done!

    Peyton | [ a ]
  20. Alas, I hate to disappoint, but this is not an April Fool's joke. The battle is over.

    But the site shall continue (after we get just a few weeks to catch our breath) . Beside maintaining the archive, we'll be sharing all sorts of tidbits, like lost art, re-drawn heroes, forgotten heroes, things you may not have noticed, and even some fan submissions. And easter eggs such as the amazing story behind Sutter's extra thumb.

    bearskinrug | [ a ]
  21. This run has been a pleasure to follow, gents!!

    The Philanthropist | [ a ]
  22. This was an amazing site. Bravo!

    Kevin Nocoins | [ a ]
  23. One of the cleverest, most amusing, and always satisfying websites ever. Sad to see it disappear. May there be a heroic comeback!

    CM | [ a ]
  24. Bravo, gentlemen. It's been a stellar run.

    Glad to see the site will remain -- and I shall continue playing My Team, Your Team with my sons at every opportunity.

    St. Chris | [ a ]
  25. Say it ain't so!

    You'll be missed...

    LBDG | [ a ]
  26. Gentlemen, I tip my hat to you.

    Mabande | [ a ]
  27. Good-night sweet prints...

    weaponx | [ a ]
  28. AW CRUMB. : (

    Matt | [ a ]
  29. These have inspired many a gaming name. I've used Deep Friar and (during holidays) Silent Knight with great response. I've also used the idea with my kids to help them think outside the box. Thanks for the great work.

    Dave | [ a ]
  30. Wow, I really enjoyed coming to this site in between work! Great run fellas, I"m your biggest South Africa's fan! All the best

    GOOD GIRL | [ a ]
  31. oops, meant to say South African fan! My favourite hero will always be "The Termite". The look on that guy's face is just hilarious :-)

    GOOD GIRL | [ a ]
  32. I still have yet to find out why that one fellow hates me.

    Vercalos | [ a ]
  33. I really hope this was an April Fools joke!
    You guys rock! :)

    AGeekStory | [ a ]
  34. Dang! Congrats on a good run, and thanks for all of the entertainment.

    JBLIII | [ a ]
  35. Bravo gentlemen, bravo. Your exhibition of talent was one of the most impressive and inspiring to come across my eyes in modern pop culture. I convey my gratitude of your past ideas and wish luck upon you in future endeavors. Yours truly, The Unknown Guy...

    TheUnknownGuy | [ a ]
  36. Remember forever ago when you had some random guy ask to show your work in Wilmington, DE. That was me. Everyone loved the showing.
    I live in Utah now and teach college. I showed my students and we spent half of class looking through the heroes and laughing.
    Fantastic Work! Thanks.

    Sean Rees | [ a ]
  37. I was hoping this was an April fool's joke too. I loved all the bits of wit found in the depictions of superheroes, including this one. I also loved reading the clever commentaries and the comments that followed. Cheers to Kevin and Matt.

    Terence | [ a ]
  38. I'm sad to see the end of The Superest. Long live the archive!

    Carrie | [ a ]
  39. I loved coming to this website and getting some good laughs. I'm sorry to see it go

    Mario | [ a ]
  40. Glad to have been a guest artist way-back-when. I'll keep following you guys. Er, on the internet, not in real life.

    burt | [ a ]
  41. Here is an idea. Superest, Fan Edtion. Submissions from novice artists. All you guys do is pick one, and post it. The legend goes on! :) Anyhow, best of luck in your future endeavours. Superest was fun.

    Chris | [ a ]
  42. dang, just when i have stumbled across it, it is over! love your work guys. i can only dream of drawing with such beautiful detail and humour. sending my love all the way from australia :)

    tea | [ a ]
  43. Sorry folks — I've got to close comments for a little, whilst I work on the redesign. Once again... keep your eyes peeled for it. And don't erase your Superest feed just yet!

    bearskinrug | [ a ]

A Random Hero!

Austin Auction

Austin Auction

Can say anything 10 times fast. He'll defeat the Tongue Twisters faster than a longhorn sells at an... Austin auction. Hey! I get that now!